The Auckland Meccano Guild meetings are held at members houses in the Auckland area. Meetings are held on the second Saturday of every third month.
Members and visitors are asked to bring a plate and if possible some models for display.
The group meets to discuss all things Meccano from the building of models to the history of Meccano, a vast subject in itself.
The club consists of people who have experience at all levels of collecting and building and our main objective is to further interest in the hobby.
If you have an interest in metal construction systems and Meccano in particular please come to one of the meetings and bring one of your latest creations.
We are urgently in need of more copy for the magazine of the New Zealand Federation of Meccano Modellers. If you have any ideas or can write an article or story relating to Meccano please contact the editor David Couch -
The AMG has a presence on Facebook which can be accessed at